Laws of Ecology, environmental factor and their effect on microorganisms
of Ecology
There are four laws of ecology
was written in The Closing Circle, the Environmental book by Barry Commoner. He was a
leading ecologist and among the
founders of the modern environmental movement.
First Law of Ecology
Everything Is Connected to
Everything Else. There is one ecosphere for all living organisms
and what affects one, affects all. “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to
everything else in the universe.” John Muir
The Second Law of Ecology
Everything must go somewhere.
There is no “waste” in nature and there is no “away” to which things can be
thrown. Any waste produced in one ecological process is recycled in another. A
core principle for the Circular Economy.
The Third Law of Ecology
Nature Knows Best.
Humankind has fashioned technology to improve upon nature, but any human change
in a natural system is, says Commoner, “likely to be detrimental to that
system” And in the context of chemicals of concern we are looking to eradicate
from buildings. “The absence of a particular substance in nature, is often a
sign that it is incompatible with the chemistry of life”
The Fourth Law of Ecology
There Is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch. Exploitation
of nature will always carry an ecological cost and will inevitably involve the
conversion of resources from useful to useless. The four laws warn that every gain
is won at some cost. Because our global ecosystem is a connected whole, any
impact, anything extracted from nature by human effort must be replaced.
of the noticeable factors of environment are;
Concentration of salt and sugar
Chemical composition of medium
Biological Factors
Physical Factors
of ecological laws and environmental factors on microorganisms
Changes in environmental conditions affect the life
of microorganisms. The physical, chemical, biological factors of the
environment can accelerate or inhibit the development of microbes, can change
their properties or even cause death.
The environmental factors that have the most
noticeable effect on microorganisms include humidity, temperature,
acidity and chemical composition of the medium, the effect of light and other
physical factors.
can live and develop only in an environment with certain moisture
content. Water is necessary for all metabolic processes of microorganisms,
for normal osmotic pressure in the microbial cell, to maintain its
viability. In different microorganisms, the need for water is not the
same. Bacteria are mainly hygrophilous, with a moisture content of less
than 20%, their growth stops. For molds, the lower limit of the moisture
content of the medium is 15%, and with considerable air humidity and
below. The precipitation of water vapour from the air to the surface of
the product promotes the multiplication of microorganisms.
When the water content in the medium
decreases, the growth of microorganisms slows down and may completely
stop. Therefore, dry foods can be stored considerably longer than products
with high humidity. Drying the products allows the products to be stored
at room temperature without cooling.
Some microbes are very resistant to drying;
some bacteria and yeast in the dried state can persist for up to a month or
more. Spores of bacteria and mold fungi remain viable in the absence of
moisture tens, and sometimes hundreds of years.
Temperature is the most important
factor for the development of microorganisms. For each of the
microorganisms, there is a minimum, optimum and maximum temperature regime for
growth. By this property, microbes are divided into three groups:
1) Psychrophilic are microorganisms that grow well at low temperatures with a minimum
at -10-0 ° C, an optimum at 10-15 ° C
2) Mesophylls are microorganisms
for which the growth optimum is observed at 25-35 ° C, a minimum at 5-10 ° C, a
maximum at 50-60 ° C
3) Thermophiles are microorganisms
that grow well at relatively high temperatures with an optimum growth at 50-65
° C, a maximum at temperatures above 70 ° C.
4) Most microorganisms belong to mesophiles, for the development of which
the temperature is 25-35 ° C. Therefore, the storage of food products at
this temperature leads to a rapid multiplication in them of microorganisms and
spoilage of products. Some microbes, with significant accumulation in
products, can lead to human food poisoning. Pathogenic microorganisms,
i.e. the causes of human infectious diseases also belong to mesophiles.
Low temperatures slow down the growth of
microorganisms, but do not kill them. In chilled foods, the growth of
microorganisms is slow, but continues. At temperatures below 0 ° C, most
microbes stop multiplying; when the products are frozen, the growth of microbe’s
stops, some of them gradually die off. It was found those at a temperature
below 0 ° C most microorganisms fall into a state similar to anabiosis, retain
their viability and with the rise in temperature continue their
development. This property of microorganisms should be taken into account
when storing and further cooking food. For example, salmonella can be
stored in frozen meat for a long time, and after defrosting meat, they quickly
accumulate in favourable conditions to a dangerous amount for humans.
exposed to a high temperature, exceeding the
maximum of endurance of microorganisms, their dying occurs. Bacteria that
do not have the ability to form spores die by heating in a humid environment to
60-70 ° C in 15-30 minutes, up to 80-100 ° C – after a few seconds or
minutes. The bacterial spores have a much higher temperature
resistance. They are able to withstand 100 ° C for 1-6 hours, at a
temperature of 120-130 ° C bacteria spores in a humid environment die in 20-30
minutes. Spores of molds are less heat resistant
The reaction of the medium
The life activity of microorganisms depends on the concentration
of hydrogen or hydroxyl ions in the substrate on which they develop. For
most bacteria, neutral (ph about 7) or slightly alkaline medium is most favourable. Moldy
mushrooms and yeast grow well with a weakly acid reaction of the
medium. High acidity of the medium (ph below 4.0) prevents the development
of bacteria, but molds can continue to grow in a more acidic
environment. Suppressing the growth of putrefactive microorganisms during
acidification of the environment has practical application. The addition
of acetic acid is used in the marinating of products, which inhibits rotting
processes and allows the preservation of products. The lactic acid formed
during quenching also suppresses the growth of putrefactive bacteria.
Concentration of salt and sugar
Cookery salt and sugar have long been used to
increase the resistance of products to microbial damage and better preservation
of food.
An increase in the content of dissolved substances
(salt or sugar) in the nutrient medium affects the amount of osmotic pressure
inside the microorganisms, causes their dehydration. With an increase in
the concentration of table salt in the substrate of more than 3-4%
multiplication of many, including putrefactive, microorganisms slows down, at a
concentration of more than 7-12% – ceases.
Some microorganisms need for their development in
high concentrations of salt (20% and higher). They are called salt-loving,
or halophiles. They can cause damage to salty foods.
High concentrations of sugar (above 55-65%) stop the
reproduction of most microorganisms; this is used when preparing jam, jam or
jam from fruit and berries. However, these products can also be damaged as
a result of reproduction of osmophilic molds or yeast.
Some microorganisms need light for normal
development, but for most of them it is disastrous. Ultraviolet rays of
the sun have bactericidal action, i.e., at certain radiation doses lead to the
death of microorganisms. The bactericidal properties of the ultraviolet
rays of mercury-quartz lamps are used to disinfect air, water, and certain food
products. Infrared rays can also cause death of microbes due to thermal
effects. The impact of these rays is used in the heat treatment of
products. Negative effects on microorganisms can have electromagnetic
fields, ionizing radiation and other physical factors of the environment.
Chemical factors
Some chemicals can have a harmful
effect on microorganisms. Chemicals that have a bactericidal effect are
called antiseptic. These include disinfectants (bleach, hypochlorite,
etc.) Used in medicine, food industry and public catering.
Some antiseptics are used as food additives (sorbic
and benzoic acids, etc.) In the production of juices, caviar, creams, salads
and other products.
Different relationships can be established between
different microorganisms: symbiosis is a mutually beneficial
relationship; metabiosis – the vital activity of one at the expense of the
other without causing harm; parasitism – the vital activity of one at the
expense of another with causing harm to him; antagonism – one of the types
of microorganisms depresses the development of another, which can lead to the
death of microbes. For example, the development of lactic acid bacteria
inhibits the growth of putrefactive, these antagonistic relationships are used
in the souring of vegetables or to maintain normal micro flora in the human
The antagonistic properties of some microorganisms are
explained by their ability to release into the environment substances that have
antimicrobial (bacteriostatic, bactericidal or fungicidal) action, antibiotics. Antibiotics
are produced mainly by fungi, less often by bacteria; they exert their specific
effect on certain types of bacteria or fungi (fungicidal
action). Antibiotics are used in medicine (penicillin, levomycetin,
streptomycin, etc.), in livestock as a feed additive, in the food industry for
preserving food (nisin).
Phytoncides – substances found in many plants
and food products (onion, garlic, radish, horseradish, spices, etc.) Have antibiotic
properties. Phytoncides include essential oils, anthocyanins and other
substances. They are capable of causing the death of pathogenic
microorganisms and putrefactive bacteria.
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