Biochemical Cycles , problems that our environmental microbes facing and their solutions

Biochemical Cycles , problems that our environmental microbes facing and their solutions

Biochemical Cycles

Carbon Cycle:

  • ·         There are many important processes in the carbon cycle that primarily relate to photosynthesis, decomposition, and deposition.
  • ·         CO2 is absorbed by various plants and vegetation and converted into carbohydrates via photosynthesis.
  • ·         Carbon travels through the food chain and eventually makes it away into the atmosphere via cellular respiration, burning of fossils or decay of organisms.
  • ·         Carbon travels from ground to atmosphere.
  • ·         Fixation of carbon is carried out by living organisms including plants and animals.


Figure 1Carbon Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle:

  • ·         It has the processes of mineralization, nitrification, and denitrification.
  • ·         Nitrogen fixation occurs from converting Nitrogen gas (N2) into Ammonia (NH3).
  • ·         Nitrogen is sent to the ground.
  • ·         The nitrogen cycle takes place in Earth’s various spheres (geosphere, atmosphere and biosphere).
  • ·         All stages of the nitrogen cycle are carried out by microorganisms.
  • ·         Similarities in between Nitrogen and Carbon Cycle:
  • ·         Both are biochemical cycles that release their respective elements into the atmosphere.
  • ·         The carbon and nitrogen cycles work together and can often be referred as the CNO cycle.
  • ·         Both start as a gas and end as a gas.


Figure 2 Nitrogen Cycle

Issues that our environment faces:

Some of the major issues that our ecosystem and fresh water microbes’ faces are;

1)      Emission of Carbon

2)      Emission of Nitrogen

3)      Conservation of water

Dealing with the issues:

Reduce the Nitrogen emission:

N2 emission can be reduced by making process changes such as modification to the combustion process or by installing air pollution control equipment such as selective non_ catalytic reduction (SNCR)  or selective catalytic reduction (SCR)

§  Use less nitrogen fertilisers

§  Use split applications of nitrogen fertilisers

§  Use legume crops or pastures in the rotation instead of nitrogen fertilisers

§  Use minimum tillage of cropping

§  Prevent waterlogging

§  Use nitrification inhibitors

§  Use of retard injection

§  Use of fuel nozzle modification

§  Change of compression ratio

Reduce the Carbon emission:

We can control the emission of carbon by planting trees more and more in our surroundings. Minimize driving by setting concrete reduction goals and walking, biking, carpooling and using public transit as much as possible.

§  Minimize purchase of new products, especially resource intensive or heavily packaged products.

§  Embrace a minimalist life style.

§  Reduce energy use; seal your heating and cooling ducts.

§  Buy energy efficient office equipment.

§  Switch to LED light bulbs

§  Minimize use of fireplaces or wood stoves

§  Use less Hot water

§  Drive less and drive smart

§  Buy energy efficient products

Conservation of water:

We should have to start from our self and our homes first, when running a bath, plug the bathtub before turning on the faucet.

§  Better yet, take only 5 minutes of shower instead of bath it saves 70 gallons of water

§  Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and can save up to four gallons per minutes

§  Add food colouring to check the leaks in toilet

§  Clean driveways and sidewalks with broom instead of hose

§  At school, put the signs near the basin to remind students to turn off the taps

§  Raise awareness of the importance of water

§  Install water efficient devices at institutes

§  To save water in school, install aerators and water efficient plumbing fixtures

§  Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily

§  Landscapes with native, drought tolerant plants, and mulch regularly

§  Encourage students to use refillable water bottle and educate them to pour leftover water into garden

                          TIPS ON WATER CONSERVATION 

Put the signs near the basin

Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and can save up to four gallons per minutes

Raise awareness of the importance of water

Install water efficient devices at institutes

Install aerators and water              efficient plumbing fixtures

          Find and repair leaks

Figure 3Conservation of Water


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